Monday, August 27, 2012

♥ Abby Update ♥

♥ Abby Update ♥ ...

She's off her pain meds today. Doc said she can have it for only 5-7 days because it's not one safe for long periods of time. So we felt today was the day. She seems to be doing well and we pray over her often to ask...Him to keep her comfie. She is resting well, eating and even trying to jump off and on the couch and chase dogs & horses on the TV.

The doc/lab is running some further testing on the tumor cells. It's called a PCR test if you'd like to look into it... it's hard to explain. We are expecting to get to continue to see God's faithfulness and love come thru in these results just like He's been showing us thru this entire process. I know He will continue to show up and show out and we can rejoice and give Him all the glory!!! :)

We'd like to request continued prayers for our girl and her mommy & daddy. :) Thank you!!

P.S. Russ picked her out a pink t-shirt, isn't she cute? She's been scratching at her ouchie a bit so we are hoping this will help!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

YAY!!! Abby Update... God is so GOOD!!!

♥ YAY... YAY... YAY!!!♥

Abby Update!!! Did I say YAY? :) God is so good, loving and faithful!!! He heard all our prayers and answered!!! The vet called and said that the results are in and they couldn't get any better. There's no mitosis....There are no cancer cells that extended past the tumor. Which means the tumor was totally encapsulated with plenty of healthy tissue left around it. So the 2 cm margin she made around the entire tumor was more than enough. She got the entire thing out. It's a low grade tumor which means it has a very small chance if any of coming back if any and they don't spread. :) YAY! Thank you Jesus!! Abby is getting lots of rest. Seems to be happy, eating, drinking, etc. Thanks for all your prayers!!!

Please continue to pray for her speedy and complete healing!! ♥

Friday, August 24, 2012

Abby Update... looking good... please keep praying!

♥Abby Update♥

Abby seems to be a little more tender today but all things considered, she's doing really good. Sleeping well and she's being a good girl and not bothering her stitches. No word from the vet with the results yet but we are ready and waiting to celebrate!! ♥ Please continue to keep her in your prayers... Thanks you guys! ♥

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Abby Update... please keep the prayers coming!

Abby Update! 

Abby slept really well thru out the night. I moved her bed right next to me so I could hear her and check on her.  I got up with her around 5:30 this morning so she could have a snack and her pain med then we went back to bed. 

She's eating well and making her pottys and poops. Resting lots. The lump was removed from upper her chest, left side, so it's hard for her to find a comfie spot so we  try to keep her on her right.  The lump was sent off to be checked and we won't know if the vet got it all (she took a 2mm wide margine all the way around it out) and what the mass was until Friday or Monday but we are hoping  to get those results sooner, by angel express! :)

We are praying she got it all and that the results will show that AND show that she's cancer free! Her blood work looks excellent and the vet said the surgery couldn't have gone better. Thank you for all your prayers... we'd like to ask that you keep them coming when ever you get the chance to think about us.  Thanks you guys... I know God is working and that He hears our prayers!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Prayers Please!!

We are back from the vet with Abby... here's a pix of her resting. She was a REALLY good girl and layed on her side w/o any fussing. First thing the dr. found is a heart murmor. She said it's not a big one or in a bad place. But just to keep an eye on her and to watch for certain signs... all of which she isn't showing.

The lump was aspirated and she said it is cancerous... called a mast cell tumor and that it needs to come off. She took blood work to see if it's anywhere else in her body. We have to wait until morning to hear back. We have prayed and have put our hope and trust in God that He will pull her thru quickly and with the best possible outcome.

We'd like to ask for your continued prayers for Abby thru this whole process and for our peace of mind and strength. I'm not thinking I'm ready to go thru this again so soon after Stowgee , Bella and Sophie. But He promises not to give me more then I can bare and I know that goes for Abby too. I know He loves her as much as we do. It just hurts my heart!

And the winner is...........

The winner of our first blog giveaway is, Janet Metzo!!! Congrats Janet!!!
Please email me with your mailing address and we'll get your bracelet on it's
way to you just as soon as we can!

Thanks to everyone that joined in... it was a lot of fun. We look forward to
having many more giveaways in the near future.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Beads!!

YUM!!! I just love how this set came out.
Can you guys see the flashes of purple in
there?  These are available on our
website, !  Or
just click the picture. :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bead Soup Blog Party ... The Big Reveal!!!

Well it's finally here...  time for my Bead Soup Blog Party reveal!!! This was my first time joining in and it's been a blast! If they'll have me, I would love to join the next one.   My partner is  Lorelei  and today is our reveal day. Check out Lorelei's  blog to see the Bead Soup I sent her and what she made with it! :) I haven't seen what she's made yet and I can't wait !!! 

Ok... are you ready? Here we go!!! 
Here's the Bead Soup Lorelei sent me...

And here's what I made with all that Bead Soup goodness...

I loved everything Lorelei sent me... I knew I wanted to use the large pewter
donut shaped pendant but how to use it in a bracelet? I have never used a pendant like that before. And I love the sweet little bird toggle clasp, but it was just a little to small for the design I had in mind and I was afraid it would get lost among all the chunky beads. (Oh how I love chunky beads!)

Sooooo... I played around, came up with an idea and decided to use the pendant as my clasp!  Just had to take the original toggle apart and see if the bird would fit thru the center... and... Voilà... it was a perfect fit!!   :)

And now for a fun surprise... We decided to have a our first blog giveaway!
This sweet bracelet will be gifted to a randomly selected person.
USA or International are welcome to join in!


1. Comment below for a chance to win!
2. Blog about it and let me know for an extra chance to win!
3. Facebook about it and let me know for another extra chance to win!

Please be sure to let me know if you posted on facebook or your blog as well... maybe leave me a link?  That way I know who to give those extra chances to when we do the random draw.

Update: The end date will be Friday, August the 17th and the winner will be
announced the following Monday. :)

That's it! :)  Good Luck and God Bless!!!

Lorelei, thank you for being so wonderful... I really enjoyed partnering with you and I hope you feel the same! XO

Well folks... this the 2nd reveal out of three. There was approx. 400 of us.  Please try to visit all of the participants blogs...  it's so fun and inspiring to see the Bead Soup everyone sent to each other and what they have created with it.

To see a list of all the participants that share in this 2nd reveal
 with Lorelei and I, be sure to click and visit Lori Andersons blog. She's the hostess. Once there, just scroll (about half way down) the list, to locate the other artists links and their blogs!!!

Now don't forget to check out Lorelei's  blog to see the Bead Soups I sent her and
what she made with them! :)

And...  to Miss Lori Anderson.... thank you for hosting (and for doing such a fab job!) and for bringing all of us bead and jewelry artists together!!  XO

To see the next round in the 3rd reveal, you can visit Lori's blog for the upcoming list!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Moroccan Spice... A New Set Of Beads!!!

I just love how this set of beads came out ... so I thought I'd share! Isn't my hubby talented? :)  I really like the pretty candy apple red he was able to get out of the glass this time. Nummy!

If you'd like to check them out, or to view more of our boro artisan lampwork beads & jewelry, click the picture above, or go to our website at

Friday, August 3, 2012

Another Great Giveaway!!!

My friend Lori Anderson is having a giveaway on her blog with beads and supplies from Beads Direct UK.

Be sure to visit her blog and check it out!